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woman 13

“I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was young, now participating in this class I have been considering being a DLC teacher.  Thank you so much for this amazing experience it has changed my life.”

Sophia G. 8th grade

man 6

"My views on disabilities have changed a lot.  I learned that even though two people have the same disability you shouldn't expect them to act the same."

Lucy B. 7th grade

woman 11

“I have realized that every kids struggles are different and that their disability doesn't define them.”

Raven B. 8th grade


“I have learned how to be more patient while working with the students, because some of them need more time to process the work.”

Skylar T. 7th grade


“I learned I am capable of teaching.”—Rayne B. 7th grade

Rayne B. 7th grade

woman 11

"This was a very valuable and once in a school time chance.  I have learned that my student is very smart, but just has trouble expressing himself."

Andrew L. 8th grade

Peer Mentor Quotes

Testimonials Section Subtitle

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