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Sign Language - RTI Extension Time

At our school we have just begun implementing Response To Intervention (RTI) time. Every class either re teachers skills students need, or they are teaching extensions to go beyond what is normally taught. I wanted our class to be included in these, so after brainstorming with my staff we choose read aloud time where students come into read to our kids once a week, and the other day of the week, to teach Sign Language.

On the first day I stood ready at the door hoping to get a few students. The time hits, and all of a sudden I have a rush for the door, there is a line down the hall. When it ended I have 45 students in my classroom, ready to learn sign language. I was so excited! There were 6th graders I'd never seen before, peer mentors had brought their friends and brothers and their sisters had come together to share in the learning.

I looked around and realized we were the "cool" class to go to! That says so much about the culture at our school, the acceptance of our students, and how amazing my students are.

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